The expansion and the swelling of the vena is called varicosis. Varicosis are an important health problem that is usually seen in the lower parts of the legs, which is a region of the body that carries the most pressure. Varicosis patients suffer from cramps at night, itching and swelling in the legs and they go through pain when they are standing. Women’s symptoms increase during pregnancy. Therefore varicose is a serious vascular problem as well as an aesthetic problem. Both men and women should be vigilant about early diagnosis. Because varicose problems that lack precise precaution can turn into severe pain, swelling and open wounds in the feet and legs. The most serious result of varicose is the embolism that occurs with the discharge of the clot into the lungs. Given all these risks, the correct treatment of varicose is very important.

Steam Treatment

Steam treatment method is an extremely comfortable technique in varicose treatment. Under local or general anesthesia, the procedure is completed in a sterile environment in half an hour and the patient is discharged the same day. Especially in vessels with thin-diameter and curvature, its applicability provides great advantage.

We also see the advantages of minimally invasive vascular surgery in this technique. By spraying sterile hot water vapor into the vein with the help of a tiny catheter, we burn the problematic areas. The vapor that is dispersed homogeneously in the vein has the same effect on the entire vessel wall. It is also possible to treat the veins just below the skin with this method that prevents damage to the tissues outside the vein. It is also suitable for congenital vascular anomalies. Steam treatment can also be applied to elderly patients. The transaction time is between 30 and 50 minutes. Other capillary or middle-sized varicose veins (retinal varicose veins) that are present can also be treated in the same session. After the procedure, the patient is kept under supervision for a few hours and then discharged. The person comes to the treatment on foot and can return home on foot after the treatment.

It can be applied to everyone.

Based on our examples and applications in Europe, we have seen that the side effects are minimal compared to other standard applications. We have seen that there is no bruising and swelling in the application area except for a few days of sensitivity. Patients need to use varicose stockings for about a month after the application. To avoid the repetition of varicose, first of all prefer a life in motion, drink plenty of water, avoid spicy and oily foods, protect yourself from the sun, prefer lightly-heeled shoes instead of flat shoes and high heels, massage your legs with cold water regularly and make sure that the legs are approximately 10 cm’s high during sleeping.

Glue Adhesion Method

Varicose is a very common vascular disease and it does not have a definitive treatment yet. Thus, many methods are being developed. However, there is not a method that will completely terminate varicose among these methods because it is a disease that can recur. Therefore, when choosing a varicose treatment or investigating varicose, the treatment should be the most comfortable one with the lowest recurrence rate. We do not prefer open surgery except in very special cases. It is both difficult to apply and the recurrence rate is high and the length of time for the patient to return their social life is long. People now want to stand up right after a surgery or practice.

The person can return to his social life immediately, the process is completed in 15 minutes.

Glue bonding is a method that has been developed in the United States and it also has FDA approval. In this method, the drug is given into the vein with the help of a battery-operated instrument. We use a small wire that is sent into the vein with the help of a catheter and do the bonding process. This method eliminates the risk of embolism, namely the risk of clot efflux. It is a very successful method especially on the veins that are under the knee and inner varicose. Other techniques are inadequate in the lower knee veins because in this area, nerve damage and nerve sensitivity are seen. Since the procedure is also done with local anesthesia, the patient can return to his / her social life immediately after the application. After the operation, patients do not become obligated to use elastic bandages or varicose stockings. The process is completed in 10-15 minutes. Varicose may increase during pregnancy. Women can benefit from this technique in the period of breastfeeding immediately after birth; it delivers no harm to the baby. The elderly can also benefit from this technique in the same way. For the patients it also provides the opportunity to be treated in summer.

Foam Spraying Method

In Turkey, we apply the foam spraying method that has been developed in the US. The method that does not require general or regional anesthesia is easy to apply and it can be applied with local anesthesia. It is completed in 15 minutes and does not require hospitalization.

The foam spraying method is carried out by injecting medicine into the vein with the help of a battery-operated device. A small wire that is sent into the vein with the aid of a catheter which turns 360 degrees and causes damage to the walls of the vein, then we inject the foam into the vein and the vein collapses without the possibility of reopening. This method eliminates the risk of embolism, namely the risk of clot efflux. It is a very successful method especially on the veins that are under the knee and inner varicose. Other techniques are inadequate in the veins that are under the knee. Because nerve damage and nerve sensitivity are seen in this area. Although tumescent anesthesia was performed, this was not very possible to avoid. However, the foam spray method solved the problem we experienced with other techniques in this area. Since the procedure is also done with local anesthesia, the patient can return to his / her social life immediately after the application. As tumescent anesthesia is not applied, it is not seen edema or swelling after the application. The biggest problem of the employees is the time issue so they can use the method even at their lunch breaks or even at their tea breaks. The process is completed in 10-15 minutes. Anyone except those with a drug allergy can use the method. Varicose increases during pregnancy. Women can benefit from this technique in the period of breastfeeding immediately after birth; it delivers no harm to the baby. The elderly can also benefit from this technique in the same way. However, in cases where the vein is very large and that require application to both legs we avoid the application. Because we don’t want to give you an overdose. So I think this method is more appropriate for one leg.

Advantages according to other methods.

The laser and radiofrequency methods made a great impact when they first came out. Because they are very high energy systems, control and safety of these systems is less. In varicose veins treatment, we apply some kind of cold serum to prevent the burns that may be caused by the application by the method we call anesthetized anesthesia. This application is especially necessary in laser and radiofrequency otherwise it can cause very serious burns. Although not as deep as laser, we also apply the same method steam treatment, but steam treatment is much less effective than other methods. In the foam spraying method, there is no need for tumescent anesthesia. Particularly we can do such applications in applications from the inner wrist of the foot to the groin, but the varicose and inner varicose spilling from the outside of the foot to the popliteal fossa, laser treatment, steam treatment or radiofrequency can unfortunately create nerve damage. In that area the nerve is on a very close proximity of the vein and since the vein is a little bit more skin-deep, there can be damages, numbing and patient-wise distress. In this case, the spray method is very advantageous. 

Sclerotherapy (Needle Therapy)

Sclerotherapy effectively treats varicose and spider veins. It is considered the treatment of choice of varicose veins. It is basically a treatment method that allows the injection of a substance to the vein in question and thus this vein collapses and disappears by taking a form which prevents the blood to flow through it. This liquid substance can be injected in its own form or by the creation of foam. Different concentrations of drugs are used according to the diameter of varicose veins. Sclerotherapy is used in small veins and capillaries up to 0.5 mm and 0.3 mm diameter.

Sclerotherapy is a painless procedure for the patient. Needles with a very small diameter are used. Sessions are applied once in 2 days. After sclerotherapy, it is recommended to wear elastic bandages and varicose stockings to compress the area where the injection is performed.

To whom sclerotherapy is not applied?

  • Over the age of 75
  • With serious allergies
  • Who are pregnant
  • Who have related artery problems
  • Obese patients
  • People with rheumatic diseases
  • Diabetes, heart and kidney patients
  • Those with pyretic diseases
Varicose In Children

As it is known, varicose is a disease of the veins and it occurs by a progressive expansion of the vena that carry the blood to the lungs and the heart. We define varicose in children by the absence of the vena. Varicose in children should not be compared with the appearance of standard varicose. In children, swelling on one leg is usually visible, or one leg is larger than the other and the veins are more prominent. Or both of the child’s legs and ankles are much thicker than their peers. Sometimes there is no apparent blood vessel under the skin, but there is always a difference between two legs, or both are thick. Also, if there is hemangioma, there may also be colour changes and vein anomalies resembling maps or varicose may be observed. In this case, their appearance is like the varicose seen in adults. In childhood, vascular anomalies often come to mind and the possibility of varicose is ruled out. If it’s not a vascular anomaly, we focus on the possibility of varicose. And this is usually caused by genetic predisposition. If this turns into a chronic venous insufficiency in the future for the children, it can create a life of distress. The more chronic the event, the less its rate of treatment and satisfaction becomes. The disease can become chronic due to delays in treatment, and also because of genetic predisposition. Early diagnosis and treatment are always important and useful. Care should be utmost given as the surgery may not be the option of treatment

Standard varicose treatment is not applied in children.

When we look at our child patients, we see that there are no congenital deep veins. The children come us with giant varicose but they are not standart varicose. If we operate their varicoses, we will disrupt the blood circulation of the children. Because the only veins that carry the venous blood to the body are the varicose veins. In varicose patients we either remove the varicose or we block the spare vein with vapour. But there’s no way we can do this in children. This is the reason why we do not say to every varicose patient, “Let’s have an open surgery!” “Or let’s destroy this vein!” This approach is not correct. As this is the case, it is obligatory to be more careful with children and to investigate whether there is an underlying genetic disorder or a vascular anomaly. Because varicose can also be the result of a vascular anomaly. This should never be forgotten. A standard varicose treatment should not be applied only by saying “this patient has varicose”. If there is a serious underlying pathology and if this is omitted, it may produce unwanted results. For this reason, they must apply to an experienced cardio vascular surgery clinic about varicose in children.